THe Story
Sharing where to stay and what to do for curious travelers.

Meet the Woman behind AwayWithSway

Growing up in a large traditional Middle Eastern household, the art of hospitality was a custom taught by Swaylah’s Baba at a young age. Throughout her childhood, Swaylah’s family hosted countless Mehmooni’s, with every guest leaving with a sense of joy. She later carried these traditions into her own home tying in modern rituals, which fueled her passion in hospitality.

Over the years, she had boundless opportunities to travel to many countries only to experience countless hurdles in discovering unique stays that specialized in one-of-a-kind experiences. During her travels, she met with boutique/family owned hoteliers and listened to their obstacles in connecting with like-minded travelers. With the shift of today’s new era of traveling, Swaylah felt the need to create a connection between two worlds (modern-day travelers and unique stays).

Thus AwayWithSway was created. Founded in 2021 by Swaylah Faroqi, whose desire is to create a bespoke travel members club with a culture twist in showcasing stays that are thoughtfully designed, proactively inclusive and well, unique.

With a decade of experience in lifestyle hotels, Swaylah decided it was time to make good use of her experiences, exploit her resources and create a travel platform that offers the very best inspiration. Her mission is to bring a community of modern travelers on a journey through a curated selection of the most inspiring destinations, hidden gems and offering local tips.

My Travel Mantra

There may be nothing else that more beautifully fills the pages of our story than travel.

The adventures we take.
The experiences we have.
The people we meet.
The world we see.

If you’re in need of a better story, pack your bags, let us help you write a new chapter.

Baba (lit. 'Father' or 'Sir') is an honorific term, of Persian origin. Used in several West Asian and South Asian cultures.
Mehmooni - A social gathering of people, of whom at least one must be of Persian descendant, with the sole purpose of having a good time.